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Congressional candidates joust over taxes, housing

By   /   Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012  /   1 Comment

[EDITOR’S NOTE: Correction appended below.] Assemblymember Julia Brownley and state Sen. Tony Strickland clashed over fiscal policy, housing and education at an Oct. 2 debate in Thousand Oaks as their campaigns for the 26th U.S. Congressional district remained a close contest. Held at California Lutheran University, the debate turned especially heated when Brownley accused Strickland of voting against California’s Homeowners Bill of Read More →

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[EDITOR’S NOTE: Correction appended below.]

Assemblymember Julia Brownley and state Sen. Tony Strickland clashed over fiscal policy, housing and education at an Oct. 2 debate in Thousand Oaks as their campaigns for the 26th U.S. Congressional district remained a close contest.

Held at California Lutheran University, the debate turned especially heated when Brownley accused Strickland of voting against California’s Homeowners Bill of Rights, a bill that protects consumers from arbitrary foreclosures. But Strickland shot back, accusing Brownley of helping to take $400 million from a settlement with big banks and diverting the money to the state general fund.

Strickland also called the so-called Bullet Train, advocated by Gov. Jerry Brown and supported by Brownley, a “boondoggle.” But he refused to commit to supporting a plan modeled on the Bowles-Simpson Commission to reduce the federal deficit through a combination of entitlement reforms and modest tax hikes.

Strickland, touting his Ventura County roots, said he would support a strong military and work to prevent cuts at Naval Base Ventura County. Brownley said she believed the base was not in immediate jeopardy of closing; she stressed education and science research funding in her remarks.

In response to a question from CLU Professor Herb Gooch, Strickland said his favorite Supreme Court justices had been Chief Justice John Roberts, but in the wake of Roberts vote to uphold the Affordable Care Act he liked Clarence Thomas. Amid audible gasps from the audience, he amended his favorite to Samuel Alito.

Brownley said her favorite was Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

In some ways the Ventura County contest is a proxy war for leading contenders for House leadership. Strickland is very close to Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, a Bakersfield Republican. The pair shared an apartment in Sacramento. Many believe Brownley was hand-picked by Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to contend for the seat which opened up on the retirement of U.S. Rep. Elton Gallegly, a Republican from Simi Valley.

The debate lasted 90 minutes and was sponsored by CLU, the Pacific Coast Business Times and the Ventura County Star.

[CORRECTION: This story has been updated to correct Brownley’s favorite Supreme Court justice.]

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Chairman & Editor

1 Comment

  1. Jack Howard says:

    I was at this debate. Brownley read the Obama platform and refered to it many times. Strickland voted againist many Republican ideas in Sacramento and admited that. He doesn’t like Bowles Simpson and either does Barack Obama who choose to ignor the committees finding and suggestions in total.

    Brownley voted for AB109. Letting 30000 convicted felons back on to our streets early. She should be fired for not finding another solution to Prison over crowding, let alone representing us in DC next year. She has no new ideas. She didn’t even know what Federal tax rate she pays? She thinks the Navy base is Safe. She is clueless and wrong. A clear bad choice for us all.

    Who really cares who your favorite Supreme court justice is anyway.