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NASA awards $120M to subsidiary of Thousand Oaks defense firm

By   /   Thursday, February 7th, 2013  /   1 Comment

Thousand Oaks-based Teledyne Technologies announced today that its subsidiary, Teledyne Brown Engineering in Huntsville, Ala., has been awarded a $120.1 million contract for work with the International Space Station, or ISS. Teledyne designs and manufactures aerospace and engineered systems, electronic testing equipment and imaging systems. Teledyne Brown has provided more than 100,000 hours providing dedicated Read More →

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Thousand Oaks-based Teledyne Technologies announced today that its subsidiary, Teledyne Brown Engineering in Huntsville, Ala., has been awarded a $120.1 million contract for work with the International Space Station, or ISS.

Teledyne designs and manufactures aerospace and engineered systems, electronic testing equipment and imaging systems.

Teledyne Brown has provided more than 100,000 hours providing dedicated payroll operations and integration support over the 15-year span of its initial contract, according to a news release. The company has furthered NASA science research aboard the ISS through the integration of payloads, training, developing experiment procedures and delivering real-time support to science teams from around the world.

The contract with NASA begins on March 1 and has a potential performance period of five years.

Robert Mehrabian, CEO, chairman and president of Teledyne, said that his company has a long history of supporting NASA science operations on the ISS.

“This award speaks to our strengths in remote space-based science operations and is highly complementary to our commercial space imaging business,” Mehrabian said in a news release.

The industrial and defense conglomerate hit a record-setting $2.1 billion sales mark in 2012, up more than 9 percent from $1.9 billion a year before. Net income also set a record of $161.8 million, compared to $142.1 million in 2011.

The driver of Teledyne’s growth stems from its successful pivot toward commercial and industrial markets, in particular its focus on undersea exploration and on cutting-edge testing equipment that is being used in a global wave of electronics development to meet demand from tablet and smartphone users.

The news release defines the award as a “potential prime contract” because several factors could change the government contract’s value, including funding, continuation and award of government programs, as well as cuts to government spending resulting from future deficit reduction measures, the news release reads.

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1 Comment

  1. Neil Baker says:

    NASA is unaccountable.
    The alleged ISS is a highly probable hoax.
    ISS is probably an unmanned lighted orbiting inflatable prop.
    NASA hoaxes can be very simply proven or unproven today if unaccountable NASA would cooperate to publicly demonstrate a spacesuit and their never-seen ice sublimator cooling systems in a radiatively-heated high vacuum chamber on Earth’s surface duplicating temperature and pressure conditions of orbit or the moon.
    Despite allegedly being used for over fifty years, ice sublimator cooling systems have never been photographed or seen.
    Despite representing one of the most marvelous and interesting heat transfer devices ever conceived or concocted, NASA spacesuit ice sublimators have absurdly never been mentioned in any academic-level heat transfer or thermodynamics book.
    What is the $120million Teledyne money really being spent on?
    It’s long overdue for NASA to be held accountable.