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Widening Highway 101 will reduce traffic woes

By   /  Friday, November 18th, 2016  /  Editorials, Latest news, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Widening Highway 101 will reduce traffic woes

Construction on Highway 101 from Casitas Pass Road to Cabrillo Boulevard through Montecito is causing havoc for commuters trying to navigate from Ventura into Santa Barbara. The project will continue into 2020 as Caltrans-funded upgrades to the 101 are incorporated into widening for high occupancy vehicle lanes through a transportation corridor that’s absolutely crucial to Read More →

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Small business backlash fueled Trump’s victory

By   /  Friday, November 11th, 2016  /  Editorials, Latest news, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Small business backlash fueled Trump’s victory

When the Business Times asked Labor Secretary Tom Perez last spring if the Obamacare mandates, new overtime rules and other new regulations amounted to a war on small business, he dismissed us with a wave of the hand. “Predictions of disaster amount to exactly that,” he said. On Nov. 8 the disaster arrived. And it Read More →

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Our democracy needs you to vote on Nov. 8

By   /  Friday, November 4th, 2016  /  Editorials, Latest news, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Our democracy needs you to vote on Nov. 8

Forget all the talk about rigged elections. Dismiss idle chatter that votes don’t matter. Do not be discouraged by all the negative ads. America was founded on the principle that individual citizens should choose their leaders and the purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to state clearly that our nation should not be subject Read More →

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Measure AA, Measure F deserve voter support

By   /  Friday, October 28th, 2016  /  Editorials, Latest news, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Measure AA, Measure F deserve voter support

Ventura County has a lot at stake in the 2016 election. Voters on Nov. 8 will be asked to weigh in on two key issues that will help chart the future of the county and surrounding areas. The first is transportation. With Measure AA, which this newspaper has endorsed, voters are being asked to approve Read More →

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Proposition 61 will not cure sky high drug prices

By   /  Friday, October 21st, 2016  /  Central Coast Health Watch, Editorials, Latest news, Law, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Proposition 61 will not cure sky high drug prices

Proposition 61 goes before California voters in just a few weeks. And as the Business Times reported on Oct. 14, Amgen, the Thousand Oaks-based biotech giant, along with other major drug companies, is spending millions to oppose Proposition 61 and its plan to control drug prices. Proponents promote the David vs. Goliath aspect of their Read More →

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Patagonia weighs in on climate change policies

By   /  Friday, October 7th, 2016  /  Editorials, Latest news, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Patagonia weighs in on climate change policies

In a widely circulated New Yorker magazine profile, Patagonia co-founder Yvon Chouinard fumed this summer about Hillary Clinton’s acceptance speech at the Democratic Party convention — complaining that including just one sentence about climate change fell far short of the mark. Apparently, we haven’t heard Patagonia’s last words on the matter of politics and climate Read More →

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Direct Relief International rooted in Santa Barbara

By   /  Friday, September 30th, 2016  /  Editorials, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Direct Relief International rooted in Santa Barbara

In a region that takes pride in its philanthropic organizations, nothing stands out like Direct Relief International. Founded as a humanitarian organization by immigrants who fled the horrors of World War II, DRI is the nation’s ninth largest U.S. charity, according to Forbes, and by most measures one of the most cost-effective organizations of its Read More →

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