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Opinion: To fix the region’s housing shortages, look to parking and racism

By   /  Friday, February 5th, 2021  /  Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Opinion: To fix the region’s housing shortages, look to parking and racism

By Roy Prince Are we going to make the hard policy choices to create more housing, or will we continue to allow systemic racism, stodgy planning policy, and outdated zoning to kill sorely needed housing options for our communities? What are the root causes of housing and homelessness in our community, and more importantly, what Read More →

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Opinion: Revolution in crowdfunding brings private investments to the masses

By   /  Friday, January 29th, 2021  /  Latest news, Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Opinion: Revolution in crowdfunding brings private investments to the masses

By Mike Panesis The unfortunate events in our nation’s capital in early January had me thinking a lot about revolutions. Whether successful or not, they seem to come upon us suddenly, when in fact they have fomented for years. We see this phenomenon not just in government and society. In the groundbreaking book “The Structure Read More →

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Opinion: The seller’s three-part formula

By   /  Friday, January 29th, 2021  /  Latest news, Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Opinion: The seller’s three-part formula

By Josh Damigo Whether it’s closing a multi-million-dollar deal, asking, “Do you want fries with that?” or actually getting your partner to agree to watch the show you want to on Netflix, the “art of the sale” is all around us. We should, then, take the time to figure out where our weaknesses lie, because Read More →

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Opinion: Prop 19 will raise property taxes for more than just the rich

By   /  Friday, January 22nd, 2021  /  Latest news, Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Opinion: Prop 19 will raise property taxes for more than just the rich

By John Ambrecht New state rules that go into effect Feb. 16 could substantially increase property taxes for children or grandchildren who inherit family property. To protect your family’s assets, it’s important to take immediate action, by reaching out to a financial planner or attorney. The change is due to Proposition 19, approved by California Read More →

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Opinion: How the networking world adapted to a world without handshakes

By   /  Friday, January 22nd, 2021  /  Latest news, Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Opinion: How the networking world adapted to a world without handshakes

By Bill Saleebey People in my networking group were getting dressed and ready to go to the board room of a law firm, as we did every fourth Wednesday morning at 7:30 a.m. We had on our business suits and name tags, and we were ready to network. Our photo IDs were in hand to Read More →

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Letter to the Editor: We must make the region welcoming to all

By   /  Friday, January 15th, 2021  /  Latest news, Letters to the Editor, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Letter to the Editor: We must make the region welcoming to all

Dear Editor, I was quite dismayed to read the high-tech trends article from earlier this month regarding new opportunities with remote working (“Five tech business trends to watch in 2021,” Dec. 31, 2020). A source in the article suggested that with this new flexibility, tech companies could establish their headquarters in the region and “CEOs, Read More →

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Opinion: Your brand is your face to the world

By   /  Friday, January 15th, 2021  /  Latest news, Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Opinion: Your brand is your face to the world

By Erika Schlomer-Fischer If there is one lesson to be learned during this challenging time, it is to embrace core values and meaning in our lives. We have been forced to reassess and reprioritize. In the business world, we have the opportunity to reconsider value creation and meaning for our customers. It is a good Read More →

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