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Op/ed: Your holiday gift to your community should be supporting local businesses

By   /  Friday, December 6th, 2013  /  Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Op/ed: Your holiday gift to your community should be supporting local businesses

Studies show that in cities where small businesses account for a relatively large share of the economy, communities thrive because citizens are more connected to each other, more engaged and more likely to work together to solve problems.

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Op/ed: Maintaining the talent flow — How to retain your best workers

By   /  Friday, November 29th, 2013  /  Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Op/ed: Maintaining the talent flow — How to retain your best workers

The ever-increasing focus on the effective management of people, especially those who are key to an organization’s success, is one of the most important developments in management in the past 15 years. Starting with a seminal McKinsey study in 1998 and the authors’ 2001 book “The War for Talent,” the field of talent management has gained much respect and attention from scholars and practitioners across industries and national boundaries.

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Op/ed: Examining the ethics of Obamacare

By   /  Friday, November 22nd, 2013  /  Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Op/ed: Examining the ethics of Obamacare

What should we make of the ethics of the Affordable Care Act? In evaluating President Obama’s signature legislation, we need to consider if the the ends of having universal coverage justify the means of forcing people to obtain coverage.

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Op/ed: Third-World infrastructure hampers Vietnam’s progress in fast-growth Asia

By   /  Friday, November 15th, 2013  /  Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Op/ed: Third-World infrastructure hampers Vietnam’s progress in fast-growth Asia

The hybrid Chinese economy on display in Shanghai and Beijing pales in comparison to Hong Kong’s thriving private enterprise, but looks amazing compared to the socialist-blended capitalism of Vietnam.

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Op/ed: Looking at the opportunities and challenges for Ventura County’s energy sector

By   /  Friday, November 8th, 2013  /  Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Op/ed: Looking at the opportunities and challenges for Ventura County’s energy sector

Kudos to the Ventura County Economic Development Association for its excellent report and program, “Energy Balance: Future Opportunities and Challenges” presented on Oct. 25 at the Ventura County Schools Conference Center.

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Op/ed: Retaining talent is important during booms and busts

By   /  Friday, November 1st, 2013  /  Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Op/ed: Retaining talent is important during booms and busts

Now is especially the time for companies to pay close attention to their human capital by implementing appropriate talent retention strategies.

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Letter: Sheriff’s decision to sue reflects poor judgement

By   /  Friday, October 25th, 2013  /  Letters to the Editor, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Letter: Sheriff’s decision to sue reflects poor judgement

The article headlined “Ex VC sheriff sues for supplemental pension” in your Oct. 18 issue got my blood boiling, as I am sure it did with many of your readers.

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