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Op/ed: KPMG scandal damages reputation of the accounting profession

By   /  Friday, May 3rd, 2013  /  Op/Eds, Opinion  /  6 Comments

What possesses an audit partner to trade on inside information and violate the accounting profession’s most sacred ethical standard of audit independence? Is it carelessness, greed or ethical blindness?

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Op/ed: How to avoid following the herd, and still be heard, as an investor

By   /  Friday, April 26th, 2013  /  Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Op/ed: How to avoid following the herd, and still be heard, as an investor

By Juan C. Ros on April 26, 2013 Here’s a short quiz: When the stock market is going up, do you: (1) get excited and want to keep riding the upswing to maximize profits, or (2) sell stocks to take money off the table? Similarly, when the stock market is in a freefall, do you Read More →

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Op/ed: Lessons learned in taking responsibility, guessing wrong and doing better than your best

By   /  Friday, April 5th, 2013  /  Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Op/ed: Lessons learned in taking responsibility, guessing wrong and doing better than your best

Over the course of this journey, I have, inevitably, learned a few lessons.

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Letter: Local governments should be commended for efforts to mitigate fracking threats

By   /  Friday, March 15th, 2013  /  Letters to the Editor, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Letter: Local governments should be commended for efforts to mitigate fracking threats

Dear Editor: The opening sentences in the Business Times’ March 1 editorial on the oil recovery technique known as hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking” (“Let California set the stage on fracking rules”) would be more appropriately posed as questions: Fracking here? Fracking there? Fracking everywhere? In California, no one but the oil industry knows the answers Read More →

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Op/ed: California’s fast-growing job creator — Latino businesses

By   /  Friday, March 15th, 2013  /  Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Op/ed: California’s fast-growing job creator — Latino businesses

Generations of Latinos have come to California for the same reasons that generations of whites, blacks and Asians have come here — for the chance to pursue what we now call the American Dream.

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Op/ed: ­California banks are committed to supporting the credit needs of Golden State businesses

By   /  Friday, March 8th, 2013  /  Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Op/ed: ­California banks are committed to supporting the credit needs of Golden State businesses

By Rodney Brown on March 8, 2013 It has been more than four years since the onset of the Great Recession, and during the past few years our country and the state of California have been slowly progressing down the road to economic recovery. As the economy continues to improve and confidence rises, California banks Read More →

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Op/ed: Corporate social responsibility: Why it matters and how to do it

By   /  Friday, March 8th, 2013  /  Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Op/ed: Corporate social responsibility: Why it matters and how to do it

By Cynder Sinclair on March 8, 2014 Business leaders are discovering the power of corporate social responsibility. No longer is giving back to your community just a good idea or simply a nice thing to do. A clearly articulated CSR strategy can result in a strong bottom line and a more sustainable company. In 2009, Read More →

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