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The new normal is anything but

By   /  Monday, October 19th, 2020  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on The new normal is anything but

By Jess Weihe As I’m watching the Ventura County State of the County address via Zoom, seated at my kitchen counter, my daughter Ellie’s laughter fills the background. Her teacher must have told a joke. She’s just started class for the day. She and my husband share an office (formerly known as our guest room), Read More →

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‘Don’t be afraid of COVID?’ Not buying it unless businee do job right

By   /  Tuesday, October 13th, 2020  /  Central Coast Health Watch  /  Comments Off on ‘Don’t be afraid of COVID?’ Not buying it unless businee do job right

By Elisabeth Rosenthal, California Healthline As stores, restaurants, airlines and offices try to lure clients back, this is what they need to do to earn my business: Make me feel safe — no, make me be as safe as possible. As I’ve begun to explore old haunts, some are doing a fabulous job. Others are Read More →

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How to gain and keep government contracts in a pandemic

By   /  Monday, September 21st, 2020  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on How to gain and keep government contracts in a pandemic

By Greg Bland While some industries grapple with slowdowns as a response to the pandemic, many government contractors have geared up. Yet what lies ahead for contractors remains uncertain as the health crisis continues to present new challenges. From vital military and intelligence tasks to supporting FEMA’s coordination of the national response to COVID-19, the Read More →

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Opinion: Proposition 15 would raise taxes on our farms and your food

By   /  Monday, September 21st, 2020  /  Agribusiness, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Opinion: Proposition 15 would raise taxes on our farms and your food

By Teri Bontrager Agriculture makes up an important part of our state economy and plays a particularly critical role in rural communities across the state. During the COVID-19 pandemic, California’s agricultural community and our ancillary food and beverage processors became designated as essential critical infrastructure to ensure that Californians and those beyond still had the Read More →

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By   /  Monday, September 21st, 2020  /  Nonprofits, Opinion  /  Comments Off on

By Bruce DeBoskey George Floyd … Breonna Taylor … Daniel Prude … Jacob Blake. The long road to racial justice in this country has been rocky and painful. It started long before these four people became household names and will, tragically, go well beyond their injuries and deaths. In response to these tragedies, many donors—whether Read More →

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Opinion: How to lift while you climb

By   /  Monday, September 14th, 2020  /  Editorials, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Opinion: How to lift while you climb

By Frances Moreno I had the privilege recently to join the recent virtual program “Celebrating 100 Years of Women’s Voices Being Counted,” a celebration of the centennial of the 19th Amendment. The event brought together more than 150 women business leaders and featured a panel moderated by Thousand Oaks resident Jane Wells, a CNBC special Read More →

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Public health officials are our COVID commanders

By   /  Saturday, September 5th, 2020  /  Central Coast Health Watch, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Public health officials are our COVID commanders

By Angela Hart As a veteran who served back-to-back tours in Iraq, I initially cringed when commentators compared the COVID-19 crisis to wartime — no bullets, no blood and no one volunteered for this. But after my months of reporting on the pandemic, it has become painfully clear this is like war. People are dying Read More →

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