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Nominations sought for Latino Business Awards

By   /  Friday, May 11th, 2012  /  Latest news  /  2 Comments

I’m proud to announce that the Pacific Coast Business Times is launching its first-ever Latino Business Awards. This special section, publishing June 22, recognizes the outstanding Latino business leaders and professionals who have helped to shape the Tri-Counties. We’re currently seeking nominations to get the inaugural issue of this exciting special section off the blocks. Read More →

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What would Louis Lancaster think about our world economy?

By   /  Friday, May 11th, 2012  /  Columns  /  Comments Off on What would Louis Lancaster think about our world economy?

Who was Louis Lancaster? What would he think about the world economy today? Those are  deeply interrelated questions that UC Santa Barbara economics professor Benjamin J. Cohen will be answering when he gives the 65th anniversary talk to the Channel City Club on May 18. Cohen, who goes by Jerry, holds the Lancaster Chair in Read More →

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Ventura County supervisor race heats up around economic issues

By   /  Friday, May 4th, 2012  /  Columns, Opinion  /  2 Comments

Elections do have consequences. And in the case of the First District Supervisor race in Ventura County, the consequences for business and economic development could be very large indeed. This race did not look too complex just a few months ago when incumbent Steve Bennett was widely seen as a shoe-in to win another term. Read More →

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One tech-savvy tomato farmer’s outlook for our business climate

By   /  Friday, April 27th, 2012  /  Columns, Opinion  /  Comments Off on One tech-savvy tomato farmer’s outlook for our business climate

When he accepted the CSU Channel Islands Technologist of the Year award at the university’s annual leadership dinner on April 19, Casey Houweling, a transplant from Canada and an agribusiness pioneer, put his finger on one of the biggest topics in business today. “This is a great country,” he said, lauding the climate of coastal Read More →

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Who will lead the tri-county corporate scene over the next decade?

By   /  Friday, April 20th, 2012  /  Columns, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Who will lead the tri-county corporate scene over the next decade?

The ranks of corporate leadership in the Tri-Counties are undergoing a bit of a shakeup.

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United takes a step back in time by adopting outdated system

By   /  Friday, April 6th, 2012  /  Columns, Opinion  /  21 Comments

United junked an award-winning, state-of-the-art reservation system and adopted a model based on older technology.

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Bloomberg Editor: Republican discord a boost for Obama

By   /  Thursday, April 5th, 2012  /  Latest news  /  Comments Off on Bloomberg Editor: Republican discord a boost for Obama

President Barack Obama should be the underdog in his campaign for re-election, but disunity among Republicans could hand him a victory in November — and a stronger hand in dealing with Congress. That was the analysis handed down by Bloomberg News Editor Clark Hoyt at the fourth annual Central Coast Economic Symposium on April 4. Read More →

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