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As the world turns, so does the U.S. economy

By   /  Friday, July 10th, 2015  /  Editorials, Opinion  /  Comments Off on As the world turns, so does the U.S. economy

What in the world is going on? At press time, the New York Stock Exchange was having technical difficulties, United Airlines had just resumed flying after a computer malfunction, Greece was on the precipice of leaving the Eurozone and China’s stock market was in a free fall. That’s a heck of an interruption to what Read More →

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Dubroff: Flying the not so friendly skies as airlines probed for collusion

By   /  Friday, July 10th, 2015  /  Columns  /  Comments Off on Dubroff: Flying the not so friendly skies as airlines probed for collusion

Reports that Justice Department officials are looking into whether the nation’s four largest airlines conspired to keep airline ticket prices high by manipulating capacity come as little surprise to this frequent flyer. As a person who flies from somewhere in the region to Denver most weeks, I’ve seen first-hand how much the choices for travel Read More →

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Dubroff: Litigation, criminal probe could put squeeze on oil pipeline operator

By   /  Friday, July 3rd, 2015  /  Central Coast, Columns, Law, South Coast, Tourism, Tri-County Economy  /  Comments Off on Dubroff: Litigation, criminal probe could put squeeze on oil pipeline operator

When Barry Cappello litigates, people listen. Which is why his June 23 lawsuit seeking class action status and unspecified damages against Plains All American Pipeline may prove to be a turning point in the sorry history of the Refugio oil spill. “It was a disaster waiting to happen again and again,” is the way Cappello Read More →

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Drought will make water pricey, stymie development

By   /  Friday, July 3rd, 2015  /  Agribusiness, Central Coast, Latest news, South Coast, Top Stories, Tri-County Economy, West Ventura County, Wine & Viticulture  /  Comments Off on Drought will make water pricey, stymie development

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Trans Pacific Partnership will benefit Tri-Counties

By   /  Friday, June 26th, 2015  /  Central Coast, Editorials, Latest news, Law, Opinion, Top Stories, Tri-County Economy, West Ventura County  /  Comments Off on Trans Pacific Partnership will benefit Tri-Counties

The Obama Administration racked up one of the biggest wins in decades for global trade when it won approval in the Senate to move forward with the Trans Pacific Partnership. The partnership will open the doors for trade and development with a dozen Asian nations. China is not included but passage of TPP, which is Read More →

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Supreme Court rules for small business owners, not government

By   /  Friday, June 26th, 2015  /  Columns, Law, Small Business  /  Comments Off on Supreme Court rules for small business owners, not government

Big companies can afford armies of lawyers to keep government regulators at bay. Just look at the big banks’ response to the financial crisis or the clever-but-stupid way Plains All American used the courts to get around state pipeline regulations, then had a nasty oil spill due to negligence or worse. But rare is the Read More →

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State Street becoming factory outlet center

By   /  Friday, June 19th, 2015  /  Latest news, Opinion, Real Estate, Small Business, South Coast, Top Stories, Tourism, Tri-County Economy  /  Comments Off on State Street becoming factory outlet center

It was a retail icon, a testament to the 1990s rise of State Street in Santa Barbara as a shopping mecca. The very name oozed luxury and aspiration. Saks Fifth Avenue. And soon it will be gone. The property at the corner of State and Carrillo streets in the 1000 block of the center of Read More →

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