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Amgen Tour

By   /  Friday, May 22nd, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on Amgen Tour

If sports marketing is an endurance race, the decision by AEG Worldwide to move the Amgen Tour of California bicycle race from February to May will pay off over the long haul. In the short term, there’s going to be some whining up and down the Central Coast because moving the race will have an Read More →

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Businesses thank firefighters

By   /  Friday, May 22nd, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on Businesses thank firefighters

We’ll join with the Santa Barbara Region Chamber of Commerce, the Downtown Organization, the Conference & Visitors’ Bureau and the Metropolitan Transit District with a hearty “thank you” to the more than 4,000 firefighters who saved the city. The heroes of the Jesusita Fire are being honored with a celebration on May 26 from 4 Read More →

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Botanic Garden reopens

By   /  Friday, May 22nd, 2009  /  Uncategorized  /  Comments Off on Botanic Garden reopens

After sustaining major damage in the Jesusita Fire, the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden reopened to the public May 18, though much of the 78-acre property remains scorched. The Meadow Exhibit, Desert, Discovery Garden, Garden Shop, Blaksley Library, Home Demonstration Garden, Manzanita Exhibit, Japanese Teahouse and Demonstration Garden are all unharmed and open to the public. Read More →

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Morro Bay makes its BID

By   /  Friday, May 22nd, 2009  /  Uncategorized  /  Comments Off on Morro Bay makes its BID

Morro Bay is set to start taxing visitors to the coastal town to help pay for promoting and marketing the city, The [San Luis Obispo] Tribune reported. City leaders approved a Business Improvement District that will charge 3 percent of gross lodging sales per property the first year of the tax and 2 percent in Read More →

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Ventura home prices rise

By   /  Friday, May 22nd, 2009  /  Uncategorized  /  Comments Off on Ventura home prices rise

Ventura County’s median price of sold homes climbed in April, marking the first increase the county has seen in a year. The median price for new and existing homes and condominiums was $340,000 in April, a $14,000 jump compared to March, according to MDA DataQuick. April’s price, however, was down 23.6 percent compared to the Read More →

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Book of Lists Confirmation

By   /  Monday, May 18th, 2009  /  UNKNOWN  /  Comments Off on Book of Lists Confirmation

Thank you for ordering the book of lists! It should arrive in about two weeks. For questions, contact circulation director Genevieve Lund at 805-560-6950.

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Insurance fight may be ugly

By   /  Sunday, May 17th, 2009  /  Uncategorized  /  Comments Off on Insurance fight may be ugly

Santa Barbara residents who are thinking insurance money will flow in easily to rebuild homes burned in the Jesusita Fire may have to think again. Many of the 78 destroyed houses sat in high-risk areas where it’s tough to get robust policies, and a sagging economy means insurers and their backers will get aggressive in Read More →

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