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SLO Target moves forward

By   /  Monday, September 7th, 2009  /  Uncategorized  /  Comments Off on SLO Target moves forward

Target is one step closer to building in San Luis Obispo, The Tribune reported. What would be the city’s first Target made headway when the City Council approved the environmental report and plans to annex the 31-acre shopping center. The project is proposed for land owned by Madonna Properties across the entrance to Costco, and Read More →

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Eco-devo investments will pay off with jobs

By   /  Monday, September 7th, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on Eco-devo investments will pay off with jobs

California has a budget crisis. A jobs crisis. And just as important, an economic development crisis. Precisely when the state needs to be fostering new business starts and helping small firms become the next eBays and Intels, there’s no one minding the store. As Assistant Managing Editor Marlize van Romburgh reported in a recent edition Read More →

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High-rise ballot stays

By   /  Monday, September 7th, 2009  /  Uncategorized  /  Comments Off on High-rise ballot stays

A Santa Barbara County judge has ruled that the term “high rise” can stay on the ballot language in a measure that seeks to limit buildings’ height to 40 feet, according to report published in Noozhawk.   Santa Barbara architect Brian Hofner had challenged the ballot language in court as false because Santa Barbara’s building Read More →

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Government fiasco unmasked

By   /  Monday, September 7th, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on Government fiasco unmasked

We’ll give a shoutout to University of California, Santa Barbara, professor Jacqueline Stevens and reporter Kristin Collins of the Raleigh News & Observer in North Carolina. Stevens’ research and Collins’ reporting turned up the shocking tale of Mark Lyttle, a North Carolina native who was wrongly deported to Mexico and wound up in Guatemala, where Read More →

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Santa Barbara wins for marketing

By   /  Monday, September 7th, 2009  /  Uncategorized  /  Comments Off on Santa Barbara wins for marketing

Santa Barbara County recently won gold and best marketing awards from the California State Fair. Awards were given for the county’s new exhibit on display at the CalExpo Fairgrounds in Sacramento until Sept. 7. The exhibit draws upon the county’s history and Spanish-style architecture to highlight regional areas of interest for visitors. It also promotes Read More →

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$50M dash for cash sealed Affinity deal

By   /  Monday, September 7th, 2009  /  Top Stories  /  Comments Off on $50M dash for cash sealed Affinity deal

Just three days before scooping up failed Ventura-based Affinity Bank on Aug. 28, San Diego-based Pacific Western Bank gave a $50 million signal that it was in acquisition mode. At a time when banks across the nation were struggling to raise capital, PacWest Bancorp, the bank’s holding company, came up with $50 million. The capital Read More →

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Pacificor revamps strategy

By   /  Monday, September 7th, 2009  /  Top Stories  /  Comments Off on Pacificor revamps strategy

Twenty months after financier Michael Klein died in a high-profile plane crash, his Santa Barbara-based hedge fund, Pacificor, is still working through the deals it struck before a private Cesna 172 he chartered flew into a mountain in Panama. Pacificor is still trying to repair its investment in troubled automobile parts maker Dura Automotive Systems, Read More →

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