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Health leaders: ‘Ambitious’ Obamacare goals tough to implement

By   /  Wednesday, March 19th, 2014  /  Central Coast, Central Coast Health Watch, East Ventura County, Nonprofits, South Coast, Top Stories, Tri-County Economy, West Ventura County  /  Comments Off on Health leaders: ‘Ambitious’ Obamacare goals tough to implement

Uncertainties shrouding Obamacare implementation are leaving many health-care providers strained, and consumers are thus far seeing few of the cost cuts promised by the overhaul. That was the theme that emerged from a March 18 forum in Santa Barbara hosted by nonprofit Visiting Nurse & Hospice Care.

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Michael and Anne Towbes give $5M to Granada Theatre group

By   /  Monday, March 17th, 2014  /  Nonprofits, Real Estate, Tourism  /  Comments Off on Michael and Anne Towbes give $5M to Granada Theatre group

Developer and banker Michael Towbes and his wife, Anne, have made a $5 million gift to the Santa Barbara Center for the Performing Arts. The gift is irrevocable, the organization said in a March 17 announcement, and is in addition to the $15 million the couple has previously given to SBCPA.

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Artificial pancreas trials move forward with $2.3M grant

By   /  Friday, March 14th, 2014  /  Central Coast Health Watch, Nonprofits, South Coast, Technology, Top Stories, Tri-County Economy  /  Comments Off on Artificial pancreas trials move forward with $2.3M grant

With $2.3 million in recent federal funding, Sansum Diabetes Research Institute is moving forward with clinical trials of its artificial pancreas, a device that researchers hope will substantially improve the lives of people living with Type 1 diabetes.

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Belt tightening: Amid drought, food banks face bare cupboards

By   /  Friday, March 7th, 2014  /  Agribusiness, Central Coast Health Watch, Features, Nonprofits, Top Stories  /  Comments Off on Belt tightening: Amid drought, food banks face bare cupboards

Erik Talkin, CEO of the Foodbank of Santa Barbara County. Its cooler shelves are down to 75 percent of usual capacity of fresh produce as farmers donate less during the drought. (Alex Drysdale / Business Times photo)

Demand is up at the region’s food banks, and supply is down. In the for-profit world, those two factors would mean higher prices, but since food banks give away their products, their cupboards are starting to look a bit bare.

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Microlending founder urges business leaders to reinvest profits

By   /  Friday, February 28th, 2014  /  Banking & Finance, Nonprofits, Top Stories  /  1 Comment

Nobel Laureate and founder of Grameen Bank Muhammad Yunus never intended to create a microlending juggernaut or invent the idea of a social business. “My work was not pre-planned,” he said. “It was an action born out of desperation.”

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CLU receives $4.7M scholarship endowment

By   /  Tuesday, February 25th, 2014  /  East Ventura County, Nonprofits, Tri-County Economy  /  Comments Off on CLU receives $4.7M scholarship endowment

California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks has received its largest-ever scholarship donation, a $4.7 million estate gift from a Pacific Palisades educator, the university said Feb. 25.

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KCRW enters Santa Barbara market with KDB buy

By   /  Tuesday, February 18th, 2014  /  Nonprofits, Top Stories  /  Comments Off on KCRW enters Santa Barbara market with KDB buy

Santa Monica-based National Public Radio affiliate KCRW has acquired Santa Barbara-based station KDB, intensifying the battle for public radio listeners and donors in the Tri-Counties.

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