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Letters to the editor: Oxnard Metrolink collision

By   /  Friday, March 6th, 2015  /  Letters to the Editor, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Letters to the editor: Oxnard Metrolink collision

With California traffic congestion becoming more and more of a problem, the train is going to be a vital mode of transportation and the infrastructure of public train transportation must be improved.

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Letter: Why the Santa Barbara chamber opposes Measure P

By   /  Friday, September 12th, 2014  /  Letters to the Editor, Opinion  /  1 Comment

Dear Editor: I wanted to take a moment to respond to the letter you recently published from Jim Taylor regarding the Santa Barbara Region Chamber of Commerce and its stance on Measure P. Taylor is not now, nor has he or his company ever been, a member of the chamber. Our 1,000 members all pay Read More →

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Letter: A construction firm owner’s perspective on Measure P

By   /  Friday, September 5th, 2014  /  Letters to the Editor, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Letter: A construction firm owner’s perspective on Measure P

Dear Editor: Construction is a cyclical industry. As the owner of a construction company in Santa Barbara County, I have focused on trying to dampen these high and low swings. By not having to lay off any employees since the 2008 economic downturn, it seems fair to say that we have been reasonably successful. For Read More →

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Letter: The chamber doesn’t represent us

By   /  Friday, September 5th, 2014  /  Letters to the Editor, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Letter: The chamber doesn’t represent us

Dear Editor: I was one of 50 South Coast business owners and founders who sent a letter to the Santa Barbara Region Chamber of Commerce asking it to endorse Measure P, the Healthy Air & Water Initiative to ban fracking and other extreme oil extraction in Santa Barbara County. This was an impressive and diverse Read More →

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Letter: UCSB should take leadership role in Isla Vista

By   /  Friday, June 6th, 2014  /  Letters to the Editor, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Letter: UCSB should take leadership role in Isla Vista

Dear editor: As you mention in your May 30 column, Isla Vista is a unique situation. It is a very dense, student-dominated (and therefore non-permanent) population that is fairly effectively cut off from outside influences. I think, at the end of the day, UC Santa Barbara has to be the entity to step in. The Read More →

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Letter: Finding a place for reflection after UCSB tragedy

By   /  Friday, May 30th, 2014  /  Letters to the Editor, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Letter: Finding a place for reflection after UCSB tragedy

Perhaps the Santa Barbara area should think about creating such a space as a memorial to those who have died in this tragic event.

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Letter: Sheriff’s decision to sue reflects poor judgement

By   /  Friday, October 25th, 2013  /  Letters to the Editor, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Letter: Sheriff’s decision to sue reflects poor judgement

The article headlined “Ex VC sheriff sues for supplemental pension” in your Oct. 18 issue got my blood boiling, as I am sure it did with many of your readers.

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