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Op/ed: To protect community assets, Congress needs to level the playing field for small banks

By   /  Friday, February 1st, 2013  /  Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Op/ed: To protect community assets, Congress needs to level the playing field for small banks

For community banks, these new regulations are as onerous as they are expensive.

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Editorial: Immigration reform could open paths to entrepreneurship

By   /  Friday, February 1st, 2013  /  Editorials, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Editorial: Immigration reform could open paths to entrepreneurship

California’s access to the Pacific Rim, its universities, its base of tech companies and its access to venture capital are huge pluses when it comes to recruiting and retaining foreign-born entrepreneurs.

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Editorial: Bank reform needed to increase small-business access to financing

By   /  Friday, February 1st, 2013  /  Editorials, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Editorial: Bank reform needed to increase small-business access to financing

They don’t need to be shut out of the financial system by rules that make it too difficult for banks to take relatively small risks on customers who have sound plans but no credit history or extremely limited access to personal capital.

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Why Fed policy is driving up the cost of farmland in California

By   /  Friday, February 1st, 2013  /  Columns, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Why Fed policy is driving up the cost of farmland in California

Even California, where real estate is otherwise depressed, has not been immune from price spikes.

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Editorial: Deckers chief sets high bar for corporate giving

By   /  Friday, January 25th, 2013  /  Editorials, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Editorial: Deckers chief sets high bar for corporate giving

Martinez has enhanced the company’s reputation as a company that promotes sustainable business practices in the design and packaging of its products.

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Ray Deutsch leaves a legacy that extends far beyond Santa Maria

By   /  Friday, January 25th, 2013  /  Columns, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Ray Deutsch leaves a legacy that extends far beyond Santa Maria

HE was one of those rare people — a man comfortable enough in his own skin and in his values to speak the language of business but also recognize regional values.

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Op/ed: Running up a tab at the 2013 Consumer Electronics Show

By   /  Friday, January 18th, 2013  /  Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Op/ed: Running up a tab at the 2013 Consumer Electronics Show

Show me a flat space anywhere — home, office, car — and it’s yet another great place to put a tablet touch screen.

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