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Eco-devo investments will pay off with jobs

By   /  Monday, September 7th, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on Eco-devo investments will pay off with jobs

California has a budget crisis. A jobs crisis. And just as important, an economic development crisis. Precisely when the state needs to be fostering new business starts and helping small firms become the next eBays and Intels, there’s no one minding the store. As Assistant Managing Editor Marlize van Romburgh reported in a recent edition Read More →

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Government fiasco unmasked

By   /  Monday, September 7th, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on Government fiasco unmasked

We’ll give a shoutout to University of California, Santa Barbara, professor Jacqueline Stevens and reporter Kristin Collins of the Raleigh News & Observer in North Carolina. Stevens’ research and Collins’ reporting turned up the shocking tale of Mark Lyttle, a North Carolina native who was wrongly deported to Mexico and wound up in Guatemala, where Read More →

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Oxnard merits better treatment in capital

By   /  Monday, August 31st, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on Oxnard merits better treatment in capital

Oxnard is the biggest city in the biggest county in the tri-county region. It has a pro-business attitude, plenty of land and utility resources, a large and eager workforce and a desire to lead the state’s economic recovery. But that apparently means nothing in Sacramento, where the California Enterprise Zone Program recently turned down Oxnard’s Read More →

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In memoriam: Brian Wolverton

By   /  Friday, August 28th, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on In memoriam: Brian Wolverton

These days we spend our time consumed with the economy, business, careers, politics and family matters and we often forget that others are doing far more important work on behalf of our nation.   Our freedom to speak, conduct commerce and fret about all things American ultimately relies on our nation’s ability to defend itself. Read More →

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Crack down on fire-causing cartels

By   /  Monday, August 24th, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on Crack down on fire-causing cartels

An international law enforcement effort is needed to bring the perpetrators of the La Brea fire to justice. Unless you have been sleeping for the past week, you probably know that state and local officials believe that Mexican cartels that operate massive pot farming operations in far northeast Santa Barbara County were behind the 89,000-acre Read More →

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Cushman campaign puts business first

By   /  Monday, August 24th, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on Cushman campaign puts business first

There were times this year when Steve Cushman’s campaign for mayor looked liked the longest of long shots. Cushman, who heads the Santa Barbara Region Chamber of Commerce, stepped part way into the ring and backed away. Some close advisors wanted him to run for City Council first, something he eschewed right off the bat. Read More →

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By   /  Monday, August 17th, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on UCSB

Vice Chancellor John Wiemann is retiring, but we doubt he’s left the University of California, Santa Barbara, scene forever. For the past 14 years, Wiemann has been the eyes and ears in the community for Chancellor Henry Yang. He’s helped create the UCSB Economic Forecast Project, and he’s shaped community outreach projects on a regionwide Read More →

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