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Mr. Maldonado goes to Sacramento

By   /  Friday, February 20th, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on Mr. Maldonado goes to Sacramento

[Editor’s note: Just as the Business Times was coming off the presses, state legislators approved a budget compromise. Click here to read more about the deal.] State Sen. Abel Maldonado is taking plenty of heat from the Los Angeles Times and elsewhere for standing his ground on the budget issue. But we think the former Read More →

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Grassroots deserve some credit

By   /  Friday, February 20th, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on Grassroots deserve some credit

Let’s give credit where credit is due. It was not just the pressure from local politicians that led Federal Receiver Clark Kelso to shelve, at least temporarily, his plan to build a 1,000-bed state prison hospital near Camarillo. A community group, known as the Prison Hospital Action Committee, was instrumental in gathering support from citizens Read More →

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Esmay paved way for leaders

By   /  Friday, February 20th, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on Esmay paved way for leaders

We’re going to say a few words about James L. Esmay, the first dean of California Lutheran University’s School of Business. Esmay, who passed away Feb. 10 at age 79, came to CLU in 1965. After a stint at Cal State Northridge, he rejoined the campus in 1979. He was named dean of the school Read More →

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By   /  Sunday, February 15th, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on California

Now is the time to blow up California’s government and start over again. That’s the general idea behind the proposed constitutional convention, an idea making its way up and down the political food chain in the Golden State. Given the government gridlock that’s led the state to the brink of insolvency — and perhaps over Read More →

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By   /  Sunday, February 15th, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on Region

Now that the realities of recession have hit hard, it’s time for Santa Barbara County to launch a targeted and effective economic development initiative. All around us are examples of people doing a good job with limited resources. The Economic Vitality Corp. in San Luis Obispo, the EDA activities that are taking place under the Read More →

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Oil field rejection shows state

By   /  Monday, February 9th, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on Oil field rejection shows state

Politics being politics and California being California, it was not totally surprising to see a perfectly sensible deal between environmentalists and the oil industry go down the tubes late last month. The State Land Board’s decision to reject a proposal by Plains Petroleum to abandon four offshore platforms and an unsightly refinery in return for Read More →

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Economy uproots hotel plans

By   /  Monday, February 9th, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on Economy uproots hotel plans

Just a few months ago, the future of the hotel industry in the Tri-Counties looked clear. Smaller, nimbler, niche-oriented hotels were going to be the wave of the future. But the credit crunch has put a number of these plans on hold. Construction at Fess Parker’s Waterfront Hotel has been stalled; the restoration of the Read More →

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