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You should donate your time as well as money

By   /  Friday, November 27th, 2015  /  Editorials, Opinion  /  Comments Off on You should donate your time as well as money

Philanthropy is about more than just writing checks. That has been the lesson of this year’s giving season — and a timely lesson it is. With the economy on the mend, there are more resources available to nonprofits and more opportunities for disadvantaged residents, creative types, veterans and the homeless to find work and become Read More →

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Sientra, Citrix execs learning hard lessons

By   /  Friday, November 20th, 2015  /  Editorials  /  Comments Off on Sientra, Citrix execs learning hard lessons

Two major employers on the Central Coast are learning in real time that technology management does matter. For breast implant maker Sientra, the management of its global logistics chain and global regulatory regime appears to have gotten badly off track. Tiny particles that U.S. regulators deemed not harmful caught the eye of European regulators, who Read More →

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Employers must find ways to plug national talent drain

By   /  Friday, November 20th, 2015  /  Op/Eds  /  Comments Off on Employers must find ways to plug national talent drain

The talent challenge — finding, engaging and keeping qualified employees for skilled positions — remains the No. 1 priority for U.S. employers, according to a recent Harris Poll. Problems in this area can cause organizations to miss market opportunities, delay or cancel key strategic initiatives and fail to meet growth goals and innovate effectively. There Read More →

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Corporate social responsibility on hold when it comes to outrageous drug prices

By   /  Thursday, November 19th, 2015  /  Central Coast Health Watch, Op/Eds  /  Comments Off on Corporate social responsibility on hold when it comes to outrageous drug prices

Imagine you just went to your local pharmacy and were told that the cost of a life-saving drug was $22,500 for 30 tablets to treat AIDS or another infectious disease. Well, if you need the drug Daraprim, that is what you would have to pay. Turing Pharmaceuticals purchased the right to Darprim this past August Read More →

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California needs reforms to create stable future

By   /  Friday, November 13th, 2015  /  Editorials, Opinion  /  Comments Off on California needs reforms to create stable future

Now that California is back, maybe it’s time to think big. That’s the theme of a talk that economist Chris Thornberg has been giving up and down the coast. The founding partner of Beacon Economics gave the latest version of his remarks at the Central Coast Economic Forecast in San Luis Obispo on Nov. 6. Read More →

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Crowdfunding great alternative to bank loan

By   /  Friday, November 13th, 2015  /  Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Crowdfunding great alternative to bank loan

The concept of “crowdfunding” was conceived in 2003 and has been gaining traction ever since. Essentially, it is an alternative way for companies and start-ups to raise money without going to a traditional bank. Money is raised through an Internet platform which allows companies, startups, entrepreneurs and various projects to seek monetary contributions from a Read More →

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Reducing development costs, licensing and startup fees will create more jobs

By   /  Thursday, November 12th, 2015  /  Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Reducing development costs, licensing and startup fees will create more jobs

Labor markets have been weak since the Great Recession. Job creation has been slow and labor force participation has been falling. While the Tri-Counties region has performed similarly to the nation on aggregate, its largest county, Ventura County, has underperformed the nation and its northern neighbors. The recession brought significant contractions in non-farm jobs for Read More →

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