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Obama’s Asian trade strategy could keep China in check

By   /  Friday, February 19th, 2016  /  Columns, Latest news  /  Comments Off on Obama’s Asian trade strategy could keep China in check

Striding confidently across the tarmac at the Palm Springs International Airport on Feb. 16, President Barack Obama was leaving what has become his favorite winter getaway spot with a bit of swagger. He had just come from a press conference where he argued that he, not the GOP-controlled Senate, held the constitutional high ground in Read More →

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China’s command economy hits great wall of the free market

By   /  Friday, January 15th, 2016  /  Columns, Latest news  /  Comments Off on China’s command economy hits great wall of the free market

Henry Dubroff

“They’ve gone about as fur as they c’n go.” Sixty years ago, Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein used those words to describe the state of affairs in Kansas City in the musical “Oklahoma.” But I can’t think of a better way to describe what’s going on in China. The Middle Kingdom appears to have hit Read More →

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Low gas prices great for tri-county consumers but not all businesses

By   /  Friday, December 11th, 2015  /  Columns, Energy, Latest news  /  Comments Off on Low gas prices great for tri-county consumers but not all businesses

Market disruptions have consequences. And the downward spiral in oil prices looks like the sort of disruption that could have far-ranging consequences. For one thing, we may be at the dawn of a decade where baby-boom era memories of gasoline lines fade and global demand for petroleum products is suppressed as China’s appetite for commodities Read More →

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Chinese have yuan for Conejo Valley

By   /  Friday, October 23rd, 2015  /  East Ventura County, Latest news, Real Estate, Top Stories  /  Comments Off on Chinese have yuan for Conejo Valley

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Straight talk from China would calm stock market turbulence

By   /  Friday, August 28th, 2015  /  Columns  /  Comments Off on Straight talk from China would calm stock market turbulence

What a difference a week makes. A mid-August meltdown in the Chinese stock market suddenly went global, putting major U.S. averages in meltdown mode. Federal Reserve Bank of New York President Bill Dudley put it bluntly on Aug. 26, suggesting at a news conference that the case for raising interest rates in September is now Read More →

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As the world turns, so does the U.S. economy

By   /  Friday, July 10th, 2015  /  Editorials, Opinion  /  Comments Off on As the world turns, so does the U.S. economy

What in the world is going on? At press time, the New York Stock Exchange was having technical difficulties, United Airlines had just resumed flying after a computer malfunction, Greece was on the precipice of leaving the Eurozone and China’s stock market was in a free fall. That’s a heck of an interruption to what Read More →

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Trans Pacific Partnership will benefit Tri-Counties

By   /  Friday, June 26th, 2015  /  Central Coast, Editorials, Latest news, Law, Opinion, Top Stories, Tri-County Economy, West Ventura County  /  Comments Off on Trans Pacific Partnership will benefit Tri-Counties

The Obama Administration racked up one of the biggest wins in decades for global trade when it won approval in the Senate to move forward with the Trans Pacific Partnership. The partnership will open the doors for trade and development with a dozen Asian nations. China is not included but passage of TPP, which is Read More →

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