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Our view: Ventura County is ready to reopen

By and   /   Tuesday, May 19th, 2020  /   1 Comment

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The decision of how fast to reopen the regional economy presents difficult choices for our elected officials.

No where is it more complex than in Ventura County, where management of COVID-19 incidents has been commendable and so far the first steps toward opening have been reasonably well executed.

Moreover, Ventura County’s economy, which has labored to find a path to growth during the extended national recovery, could use a lift.

The county’s Board of Supervisors will weigh the decision to ask Gov. Gavin Newsom to remove some restrictions and create a path, for example, for the county to allow restaurants to operate at a diminished capacity.

Ventura County has a certification process for reopening businesses that will be a useful tool as more are allowed to move the wheels of commerce a bit faster.

It seems logical for the board to green light a request to the governor’s office to take the next step. Among other things, we’re convinced that Ventura County has the resources and capacity to take whatever action is necessary should the opening process lead to a sudden rise in cases.

Reopening will not be a straight path but it must begin sometime.

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1 Comment

  1. Ocean Dragon says:

    Thank you for your opinion. Business are taking it pretty hard right now. My concern is that as we go through a safe re-opening sequence, what is to protect us from people from neighboring areas of Los Angeles Co. and high endemic rates such as Simi from coming in to co-mingle with the areas of low or non-existent fresh cases? Re-opening is a trial. What criteria have we set up to re-establish an isolation order in case the case and death data increases? How many would have to die before we reverse the opening sequence? America was at an uproar when 9 people died in a recent helicopter accident in one day. Secondly, are these businesses as well as news publications able to get sued if they open or advise pre-mature opening and mingling of people with asymptomatic Covid symptoms?