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By   /  Monday, November 2nd, 2009  /  Columns  /  Comments Off on They

As we approach the end of October, Halloween forces us to think about things that are typically considered scary: monsters, witches, ghosts … the real estate market.   This year has seen some truly horrific home sales statistics, and now spooked real estate agents and developers can only dream of the good ol’ days when Read More →

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By   /  Thursday, October 29th, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on Navy

When Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus came to Santa Barbara to speak before the regional chapter of the Navy League, not many people had heard of the “Green Fleet.” And, indeed, there is a fair amount of public relations value involved — just as Theodore Roosevelt’s “Great White Fleet” which sailed the Pacific at Read More →

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Warner credit watch

By   /  Thursday, October 29th, 2009  /  Uncategorized  /  Comments Off on Warner credit watch

Ty Warner, Montecito resident and luxury hotel magnate, may be in danger of defaulting on debt and faces a potential ratings agency downgrade on $425 million debt backed buy four resorts, including Four Seasons in New York, according to Bloomberg News. Standard & Poor’s placed Warner’s debt on “credit watch with negative implications” after net Read More →

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Santa Barbara startup probes the market for bio-jet fuel

By   /  Monday, October 26th, 2009  /  Uncategorized  /  Comments Off on Santa Barbara startup probes the market for bio-jet fuel

Bio-jet fuel isn’t commercially available yet, but one Santa Barbara company already has a deal to sell 4 million barrels of it. BioJet Corp. has been working since January to lay the groundwork for a supply chain for renewable aviation jet fuel. The company doesn’t make the fuel itself; it organizes and strikes deals for Read More →

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By   /  Monday, October 26th, 2009  /  Uncategorized  /  Comments Off on Solar

Scientists at the University of California, Santa Barbara, have unlocked a process that could speed the development of plastic solar cells, a technology that could make solar energy cost a fraction of its current price. In a paper published Oct. 18 in the online version of the journal Nature Chemistry, a team led by professor Read More →

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Orfalea celebrates individual success

By   /  Monday, October 26th, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on Orfalea celebrates individual success

At a time when business leadership seems sorely lacking across the region, the state and the nation, it’s great to see someone emerge from the pack with enthusiasm, optimism and a few great ideas. That person happens to be Kinko’s founder Paul Orfalea. Though long departed from the company he founded in Isla Vista and Read More →

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Granada leasing is tall order

By   /  Monday, October 26th, 2009  /  Top Stories  /  Comments Off on Granada leasing is tall order

Santa Barbarans like to think they live the good life. They feel like they’re on top of the world. And now they have the chance to claim space atop the city’s tallest building. The Granada Theatre spent the past few years wrapped in a cocoon of scaffolding and tarps before emerging as a fully restored Read More →

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