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Boeing buys SLO software firm

By   /  Monday, November 29th, 2010  /  Latest news, Technology  /  Comments Off on Boeing buys SLO software firm

Boeing announced Nov. 16 that it has signed an agreement to buy San Luis Obispo-based CDM Technologies, a software engineering company.

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Lopker tells her story at CSUCI

By   /  Friday, October 8th, 2010  /  Women Inc.  /  Comments Off on Lopker tells her story at CSUCI

Today, Pamela Lopker is the founder, president and chairman of the board of Santa Barbara-based QAD, a $220-million-a-year manufacturing software company with 1,300 employees. But back in the in the 1970s, Lopker, the daughter of a U.S. Navy engineer, was coding software at a defense subcontractor when she realized she had brighter career prospects. “As Read More →

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FastSpring revenue soars on e-commerce

By   /  Monday, January 11th, 2010  /  Top Stories  /  Comments Off on FastSpring revenue soars on e-commerce

Dan Engel had to learn the lessons that helped him build Santa Barbara-based FastSpring the hard way, but those lessons have paid off with 550 percent revenue growth over the past year. The 15-employee firm makes an e-commerce backend for companies that sell downloadable products such as software, e-books and video games. Companies who sell Read More →

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